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Where Is Your Business Data and How Secure Is It?

When discussing cybersecurity, one aspect that often goes overlooked is the security of the actual data behind a company’s IT systems. The majority of cybersecurity breaches today involve the encryption of corporate data. Governments worldwide are tightening legislation on data protection, as seen with the introduction of GDPR in Europe. Regardless of your location, if […]

37% of Orgs Said They Were the Victim of Ransomware In 2021

Though ransomware attacks are on the rise, companies have heeded the warnings and implemented precautions to protect their files and sensitive data. Here are some effective strategies that businesses are using, and you can try too: Training and Awareness Programs: Implement programs to raise awareness and train end-users about ransomware threats. Employees need to know […]

Your “Master Password” Should ALWAYS Be 100% Unique

A Verizon Data Breach Report that was issued in 2017 revealed that 81 percent of all security breaches that occurred were the result of weak or repeatedly used passwords. It’s no secret that security breaches can cause major havoc, cost exorbitant amounts of money, and result in major headaches. In order to avoid the drama, […]

How to Identify a “Smishing” Attempt on Your Smartphone

Smishing, a combination of SMS and phishing, is a cybercrime where attackers send deceptive text messages to trick victims into providing sensitive information or visiting malicious websites. Unlike traditional phishing emails, smishing targets smartphones through SMS messages. Cybercriminals use social engineering tactics to gain the victim’s trust and make the messages more enticing. To protect […]

Incident Response Plans

  Hello, this is David Quick from Total Cover IT®. And today we’re going to be talking about incident response plans. So what’s an incident response plan? An incident response plan is an organized approach in the event of a cyber attack. Now, this may be an incident where just one computer was compromised, but […]

Tech Support Scams

  Hello, this is David Quick from Total Cover IT ®, and today I want to share some information about tech support scams. Just imagine that you’re sitting at your computer, just minding your own business doing your work, and you just get a call out of the blue out of nowhere from a supposedly […]

You think that you infected your computer – What to do next

  Hello, this is David Quick from Total Cover IT ®, and today I’m going to share information about what you should do if you believe that you’ve witnessed a cybersecurity incident. Just imagine if you were sitting at your computer, you open an email, and you clicked on an attachment and just realized after […]

Disposal of Old Technology Equipment

  Hello, this is David Quick from Total Cover IT ®, and today we are going to talk about properly disposing of old technology equipment. You have and old computer,an old server, how do you get rid of them? You can’t exactly take them to the trash. They’re not we call what we call landfill-safe. […]

Public Wi-Fi Security

  Hello, this is David Quick from Total Cover IT®, and today we are going to talk about public Wi-Fi. Public Wi-Fi is so easy and convenient. You find it at airports, you find it at hotels, even at your preferred restaurant. So simple easy to pull out your mobile device and get online with […]

Laptop Security

  Hello, this is David Quick from Total Cover IT. And today I want to talk about laptop security. Just imagine that lost your laptop, or worse yet, it was stolen. Now, don’t think that just because you have a password on your laptop means that it’s secure. Any hacker, with enough time and ingenuity […]